Read Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown Online

! Read ^ Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown Î eBook or Kindle ePUB. Goodnight Moon A new take on an old favorite SoozeSays I raised my three children on Margaret Wise Brown's "Goodnight Moon" - my husband and I can still recite the whole book by heart I have given it as a gift at more baby showers than I can count - including to my daughter and my daughter-in-law and I have been lucky enough to read it to my grandchildren. Now that we are living hundreds of miles apart from these beloved grandchildren, I rarely have the luxury of reading them "Goodnight Moon" at bedtime, so I

Goodnight Moon

Title : Goodnight Moon
Author :
Rating : 4.31 (797 Votes)
Asin : 0060775858
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 32 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-11-01
Language : English

"In the great green room / There was a telephone / And a red balloon / And a picture of-- / The cow jumping over the moon." Maybe you and your favorite baby have heard this soothing, rhythmic beginning to Margaret Wise Brown and illustrator Clement Hurd's classic Goodnight Moon once or a thousand times. (The slippers are sized for babies 6 months to one year old) . Best of all perhaps is the sweet bunny head on the top of each slipper, and the white bunny tails on the heels. These 4-inch-long slippers, equipped with rubber-dotted soles, are made of a thin, soft, blue-and-white-s

A new take on an old favorite SoozeSays I raised my three children on Margaret Wise Brown's "Goodnight Moon" - my husband and I can still recite the whole book by heart I have given it as a gift at more baby showers than I can count - including to my daughter and my daughter-in-law and I have been lucky enough to read it to my grandchildren. Now that we are living hundreds of miles apart from these beloved grandchildren, I rarely have the luxury of reading them "Goodnight Moon" at bedtime, so I thought I would give the recordable books a try. I was very happy with the ease of recording (it helped that this is a short, simple book) and now my babies. "Another awesome classic here" according to Partyneverdies. Another awesome classic here. I ordered this with the very hungry caterpillar, because it's just one of those books every family should have. My kids love finding the rodent as he travels through the story on each page.The rhythmic rhyming structure is perfect to (hopefully) lull the little ones off to slumberland. This is the best bedtime story, because as it progresses, it gets gradually darker and darker (hey, just like in real life) until it ends and the bunny goes to sleep, and hopefully so do your kids. Mine (at least one of them) however, weren't particularly interested in sleep, so we had other battle. ) ) We LOVE this book Repeating, rhythmic, pleasant sounding text. My husband and I both yawn now as soon as we start reading this! (Conditioning much? ;) ) We LOVE this book. I love that the pages alternate between black and white (grayscale, not high contrast), and full color; I like that the colors are bold, which is developmentally appropriate for newborn eyes. We read this to our daughter from the day she came home from the hospital, she loved it then, and she still loves it. (Though she did go through a phase of a couple of months where she fought bedtime and thus hated this book. Only lasted about two months, from 6 months

"Goodnight room, goodnight moon." And to all the familiar things in the softly lit room -- to the picture of the three little bears sitting on chairs, to the clocks and his socks, to themittens and the kittens, toeverything one by one -- the little bunny says goodnight.In this classic of children's literature, beloved by generations of readers and listeners, the quiet poetry of the words and the gentle, lulling illustrations combine to make a perfect book for the end of the day.. In a great green room, tucked away in bed, is a little bunny

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