Read One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd by Jim Fergus Online

[Jim Fergus] è One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd ☆ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd May Dodd, born to wealth in Chicago in 1850, left home in her teens and through a family disgrace is imprisoned in a monstrous lunatic asylum. May, who jumps at the chance, embarks upon the adventure of her lifetime, along with a colourful assembly of pioneer women. 'Jim Fergus so skillfully envelops us in the heart and mind of his main character, May Dodd, that we weep when she mourns, we shake our fist at anyone who tries to sway her course, and our hearts pound when she is in danger'--"Colo

One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd

Title : One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd
Author :
Rating : 4.89 (568 Votes)
Asin : 1410458075
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 667 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-03-21
Language : English

This book is artistically rendered with meticulous attention to small details that bring to life the daily concerns of a group of hardy souls at a pivotal time in U.S. From Booklist An American western with a most unusual twist, this is an imaginative fictional account of the participation of May Dodd and others in the controversial "Brides for Indians" program, a clandestine U.S. He writes with tremendous insight and sensitivity about the individual community and the political and religious issues of the time, many of which are still relevant today. May's pe

"Not bad but could have been much better" according to Lisa Kearns. I bought this book at the suggestion of a friend. I've read many historical and fictional books about the Old West and settlers, and many other about Native Americans (I am Cherokee). I realize this was a fictional journal before I started reading, and thought the concept was interesting - a sort of mail-order bride goes to live among the Cheyenne as a cultural ambassador.I did enjoy the descriptions of the prairie, daily life among the Cheyenne, and the sisterhood that formed among the other brides and the main character. What I didn'. "Great Book!" MP I bought this book by accident, thinking it was something else, but I like the premise, so I gave it a try. May Dodd is still on the train in my reading, I was happy I could get a refund. Having read very little of the book, I can't comment on the entire thing, but I just could not imagine reading more. I think what bothered me the most is that the prose written by Dodd to her sister is full of words and phrases in quotation marks to indicate irony and euphemism. As I used to tell my English students, if your words don't convey the int. "Completely Unique and Completely Wonderful" according to LATeach. This book was just SO very wonderful. It is sort of an alternate historya 'what if' Fact, a Cheyenne chief in 185Completely Unique and Completely Wonderful LATeach This book was just SO very wonderful. It is sort of an alternate historya 'what if' Fact, a Cheyenne chief in 1854, requested that the U.S. present the tribe with 1000 white women to be brides. Since Cheyenne children belong to the mother's tribe, this would enable children of the Cheyenne to become part of the White Man's world. The conference when this idea was present fell apart and NO wives were sent. But what if?Women in that time in had little way to be independent Without a husband or family to support them not much of a life. W. , requested that the U.S. present the tribe with 1000 white women to be brides. Since Cheyenne children belong to the mother's tribe, this would enable children of the Cheyenne to become part of the White Man's world. The conference when this idea was present fell apart and NO wives were sent. But what if?Women in that time in had little way to be independent Without a husband or family to support them not much of a life. W

May Dodd, born to wealth in Chicago in 1850, left home in her teens and through a family disgrace is imprisoned in a monstrous lunatic asylum. May, who jumps at the chance, embarks upon the adventure of her lifetime, along with a colourful assembly of pioneer women. 'Jim Fergus so skillfully envelops us in the heart and mind of his main character, May Dodd, that we weep when she mourns, we shake our fist at anyone who tries to sway her course, and our hearts pound when she is in danger'--"Colorado Springs Gazett"e. She keeps the fictional journal we read, marries Little Wolf, lives in a crowded tipi with his two other wives and their children and lives the life of a Cheyenne squaw. Grant secretly recruits 1,000 women from jails, penitentiaries, debtors' prisons, and mental institutions offering full pardons or unconditional release. Grant and suggests that pea

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