Read The British Mad Dog: Debunking the Myth of Winston Churchill by M S King Online

[M S King] ↠ The British Mad Dog: Debunking the Myth of Winston Churchill ¹ Download Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. The British Mad Dog: Debunking the Myth of Winston Churchill The author of this work, M. S. The author of this work, M.S. King, does a heads up job of research on Churchill, who truly was a Mad Dog. Typically, history is written by the victors to demonize the foe and make excuses for your own war crimes. Churchill was an expert at rewriting history - a false history - he wrote reams of it. You should get this true historical depiction of Churchill and his part in fomenting WW2. Your vision of WW2 will be changed forever.. Katherine L. Gerak said M S KING

The British Mad Dog: Debunking the Myth of Winston Churchill

Title : The British Mad Dog: Debunking the Myth of Winston Churchill
Author :
Rating : 4.37 (763 Votes)
Asin : 1530657741
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 252 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-07-09
Language : English

The author of this work, M. S. The author of this work, M.S. King, does a heads up job of research on Churchill, who truly was a Mad Dog. Typically, history is written by the victors to demonize the foe and make excuses for your own war crimes. Churchill was an expert at rewriting history - a false history - he wrote reams of it. You should get this true historical depiction of Churchill and his part in fomenting WW2. Your vision of WW2 will be changed forever.. Katherine L. Gerak said M S KING brilliantly unmasks the lies that have made Winston Churchill a. M S KING brilliantly unmasks the lies that have made Winston Churchill a "HERO" when in fact he was a LIAR and a self-serving PAWN of the WAR MONGERS who have been killing off all the young men, as well as women and children and the elderly,in the never-ending wars they have foisted on the world since the French Revolution as they moved the world ever closer to their goal of a ONE WORLD ORDER where the workers are slaves and enslavement is the goal for all but the few who control the Military who control the slaves. Winston Churchill had an American mother and she was just a fe. CHRISTOPHER EYRE said & as a military strategist he was at best mediocre & more probably a disaster. This book seriously conflicted me. As it happens I agree with many of the sentiments that the author expresses in his book on Churchill. I am relatively well read on the subject, & I also think that Churchill managed his PR exclusively for his own benefit, especially his record of WW11 which is the accepted history, but which shamelessly inflates his own successes, & which does not accord well with what actually happened. Churchill had a lurid history of recklessly & ruthlessly attacking his enemies [to the prejudice of his own troops], & as a military strategist he was at best

A 1987 graduate of Rutgers University, King's subsequent 30 year career in Marketing & Advertising has equipped him with a unique perspective when it comes to understanding how "public opinion" is indeed scientifically manufactured. Says King of his admitted quirks, irreverent disdain for "conventional wisdom",

About the Author M. . S. Says King of his admitted quirks, irreverent disdain for "conventional wisdom", and uncanny ability to ferret out and weave together important data points that others miss: "Had Sherlock Holmes been an actual historical personage, I would have been his reincarnation." King’s other historical works, (see author page for M S King) include: The Bad War: The REAL Story of World War II The War Against Putin: What the Government-Media Complex Isn’t Telling You About Russia Planet Rothschild: The Forbidden History of the New World Order Napoleon vs the Old & New World Orders King’s other interests include: the animal kingdom, philosophy, chess, cooking, literature and history (with emphasis on events of the late 19th through the 20th centuries). A 1987 graduate of Rutgers University, King's subsequent 30 year career

No, the entire tale is a monstrous lie originally engineered to conceal the foul deeds of a deranged warmonger, and perpetuated out of ignorance and academic arrogance. There is one wee-little problem with this flattering historical narrative of Churchill -- it is false! And by false, author M S King doesn’t merely mean to say embellished, exaggerated or incomplete. His numerous historical works made him one of the most prolific writers ever to serve as head of state. Countless schools bear his name, as do parks, towns, squares, highways, streets, tanks, submarines, ships, mountain ranges, trust funds and even cigars. It was the courage, the strength, the indomitable will and the inspirational oratory of ‘The British Bull Dog’ - we are told - that saved Britain and the ‘free world’ from capitulating to Hitler. The surgical precision with which Churchill is cut down to size will radically change not only your view of the man, but also of the fake world in which we live in.. *250 Pages / 500 Images Check any list of ‘great men’ of the 20th Century and you’re sure to find Winston Churchill ranked near the top. For suc

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