Read Feminist Fight Club: An Office Survival Manual for a Sexist Workplace by Jessica Bennett Online

Read [Jessica Bennett Book] ! Feminist Fight Club: An Office Survival Manual for a Sexist Workplace Online * PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Feminist Fight Club: An Office Survival Manual for a Sexist Workplace Once upon a time, you might have called them a consciousness-raising group. Part manual, part manifesto, Feminist Fight Club is a hilarious yet incisive guide to navigating subtle sexism at work, providing real-life career advice and humorous reinforcement for a new generation of professional women.It was a fight club—but without the fighting and without the men. Bennett offers a new vocabulary for the sexist workplace archetypes women encounter everyday—such as the Man

Feminist Fight Club: An Office Survival Manual for a Sexist Workplace

Title : Feminist Fight Club: An Office Survival Manual for a Sexist Workplace
Author :
Rating : 4.99 (652 Votes)
Asin : 0062439782
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 336 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-12-29
Language : English

She writes for the New York Times, where she covers gender issues, culture, and has a monthly column on millennials and language. Yes, she's in a real-life feminist fight club.. Jessica Bennett is an award-winning journalist and critic. A former staff writer at Newsweek, Jessica is also a contributing editor for LeanIn, the nonprofit founded by Sheryl Sandberg, where she is the cofounder and curator of the Lean In Collection, an initiative to change how women are

Jessica is a unique voice-and I will proudly proclaim myself a card-carrying member of the FFC.” (Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and author of New York Times bestseller Lean In)“Jessica’s is a classic, f*ck-you feminist battle guide. I was not prepared to laugh out loud so many times while learning so much about a serious topic.” (Adam Grant, Wharton professor and New York Times bestselling author of Originals and Give and Take)“Bennett is on a mission to reform today’s workplace, and this manifesto just might be the weapon modern women are looking for.” (Booklist)“It is saddening that the problems described in Feminist Fight Club persist, but Bennett’s light approach and humorous neologisms make fighting the power a lot more palatable.” (Publishers Weekly
Once upon a time, you might have called them a consciousness-raising group. Part manual, part manifesto, Feminist Fight Club is a hilarious yet incisive guide to navigating subtle sexism at work, providing real-life career advice and humorous reinforcement for a new generation of professional women.It was a fight club—but without the fighting and without the men. Bennett offers a new vocabulary for the sexist workplace archetypes women encounter everyday—such as the Manterrupter who talks over female colleagues in meetings or the Himitator who appropriates their ideas—and provides practical hacks for navigating other gender landmines in today’s working world. And so the fight club was born. They needed battle tactics. With original illustrations, Feminist Mad Libs, a Negotiation Cheat Sheet, and fascinating historical research, Feminist Fight Club tackles both the external (sexist) and internal (self-sabotaging) behaviors that plague women in the workplace—as well as the system that perpetuates them.. But the problems of today’s working world are more subtle, less pronounced, harder to identify—and harder to prove—than those of their foremothers. Every month, the women would huddle in a friend’s apartment to share sexist job frustrations and trade tips for how best to tackle them. Hard-hitting and entertaining, Feminist Fight Club blends personal stories with

Amazon Customer said All Men Should Read This Book. This is a really amazing book. I am a man who has worked in the corporate world for a long time and--I have to be honest--I have been guilty of many of the subtly sexist behaviors that Bennett describes. But after reading Feminist Fight Club, I have been able to readily identify those moments and take action to avoid them--I can literally sit here at my desk and think of half a dozen examples of times when I was about to interrupt a woman in a meeting but held my tongue. The book has also made me a much better ally to my female colleagues, as many of the strategies it outlines (such as, for example, making sure women . "Awesome, practical, and hilarious" according to samslaughter. CANNOT speak highly enough of this book. Bennett does an amazing job of not just talking about the obstacles that women face in the workplace, but giving real life and ACTUALLY HELPFUL tips on how to combat them. That she does so in a hilarious and readable way (with awesome illustrations) is an added bonus. I bought this book for every woman in my company, and would recommend it for any woman who's entering the workplace, is already in the workplace, or is ever planning to enter the workplace. To be honest every man who works with women (aka every man who has a job) should read it too.. "Love the Feminist Fight Club!" according to Amazon Customer. I'm in the middle of reading this book and already feel compelled to review it. I have a female boss who is supportive and empowering, so I wondered if a book on sexism in the workplace would even be that relevant to me. This book is meant for every working woman! Even though I am in a positive work environment, I have strongly identified with what Bennet wrote about working mother's (As someone who pumped for over a year, I laughed out loud at the stuff about "lacthaters" and the "Will I pump today?" flow chartI was not expecting this and I loved it!). This book reminds women to speak up, take credit they deserve, an

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