Read Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up (Random House Large Print) by Marie Kondo Online

Read [Marie Kondo Book] # Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up (Random House Large Print) Online * PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up (Random House Large Print) Now, Kondo presents an illustrated guide to her acclaimed KonMari Method, with step-by-step folding illustrations for everything from shirts to socks, plus drawings of perfectly organized drawers and closets. She also provides advice on frequently asked questions, such as whether to keep “necessary” items that may not bring you joy. With guidance on specific categories including kitchen tools, cleaning supplies, hobby goods, and digital photos,

Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up (Random House Large Print)

Title : Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up (Random House Large Print)
Author :
Rating : 4.76 (903 Votes)
Asin : 073520778X
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 512 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-03-12
Language : English

Inspired by the Japanese book Throw-Out Skills and a lifelong love of all things house and home, she began her study of the art of cleaning, established her consulting business, and founded the KonMari Method. Her courses, "Lessons on Organization and Storage for Women" and "Lessons on Organization and Storage for Company Presidents", have many dedicated fans. Her previous book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, is a #1 New Yor

Now, Kondo presents an illustrated guide to her acclaimed KonMari Method, with step-by-step folding illustrations for everything from shirts to socks, plus drawings of perfectly organized drawers and closets. She also provides advice on frequently asked questions, such as whether to keep “necessary” items that may not bring you joy. With guidance on specific categories including kitchen tools, cleaning supplies, hobby goods, and digital photos, this comprehensive companion is sure to spark joy in anyone who wants to simplify their life.. Japanese decluttering guru Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has revolutionized homes—and lives—across the world

Pleasant continuation from The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Mari Kondo's first book covered her method pretty thoroughly, so I wasn't sure whether this one would be worth the purchase. If you aren't sure which to buy first, I would say the first book does a better job of explaining her attitude towards tidying and this book has better practical advice.In a nutshell, the konmari method involves getting rid of anything in your life that doesn't spark joy. Starting with clothes, you go through each item and decide what stays or goes based on whether or not it sparks joy when you hold it. Joy is the only criterion: 'If it makes you happy, then . Great Addition I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up when it was released in late 201Great Addition College Stealth I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up when it was released in late 2014. I found Marie Kondo's book both useful and charming. I am a somewhat sloppy person. Neither am I a hoarder, however. I found Ms. Kondo's advice useful in tidying up both my bedroom closets and kitchen. I was able to toss a number of clothing items which I had kept from a sense of guilt instead of joy. Similarly, I was able to let go of a number of kitchen appliances to which I had sentimental attachments but no use. Ms. Kondo's childish suggestion to thank my things before letting go was oddly touching . . I found Marie Kondo's book both useful and charming. I am a somewhat sloppy person. Neither am I a hoarder, however. I found Ms. Kondo's advice useful in tidying up both my bedroom closets and kitchen. I was able to toss a number of clothing items which I had kept from a sense of guilt instead of joy. Similarly, I was able to let go of a number of kitchen appliances to which I had sentimental attachments but no use. Ms. Kondo's childish suggestion to thank my things before letting go was oddly touching . Deb Nam-Krane said "Here's the minutiaebut don't sweat it". Like many others, I found Kondo's previous book to be, well, life-changing. She not only gave you permission to rid yourself of things you didn't love- many have done that- but she prompted you to surround yourself only with what you do ("sparks joy"). And while she promised that you would be happier with an environment that reflected what you enjoyed, the more important premise was that the process of tidying would guide you to make peace with your past choices, accept the person you are in the present and confidently recognize whom you want to be in the future. Most importantly,

In this case — for the better." -- Buzzfeed"The most organized woman in the world." -- PureWow"her voice is by turns stern and enchanted, like a fairy godmother for socks." -- The Wall Street Journal"Reading it, you glimpse a glittering mental freedom from the unread/uncrafted/unworn, buyer’s remorse, the nervous eyeing of real estate listings. Life’s overwhelm, conquered." -- The Atlantic "I can only describe the way I felt afterward as an organizational high. Kondo, I kiss my old socks goodbye.) To show you how serious my respect for Ms. consider me a Konvert."-- Chloe Malle, Vogue"From the perfe

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